Hpv Through Oral Sex
Warts usually appear on the penis or in the anus but may occur in or around the mouth and/or lips as well. Bob Gardasil (HPV) vaccine for those already with HPV (HPV Vaccine for MEN) (GARDASIL) VACCINE (HPV) Dec 3, 2007 I'm a 43 year old man with HPV already, awaiting biopsy results to see if I have anal cancer as we speak. Is it a waist of time and resources to get the Gardasil (HPV) vaccine at this time, or will it help down the road whether I have anal cancer, have to go through radiation and chemotherapy, or not? Response from Dr. Frascino Hello, Gardasil is a preventative, not a therapeutic vaccine. Consequently if you already have the HPV strains contained within the vaccine, getting inoculated will not provide any help.
But how people contract oral HPV is a subject that has been widely debated in medical research. Some studies have suggested that the virus can be contracted through oral sex with a person who has.
Some HPV types also infect the genital areas of males and females. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), genital HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the US and worldwide. There are at least 40 HPV types that can affect the genital areas. Some of these are “low-risk” and cause genital warts while “high-risk” types can cause cervical or other types of genital cancer. The high-risk HPV types may also cause a form of throat cancer, called oropharyngeal cancer, which is becoming more common in the US and Europe.
Prendes says. “I don’t think anyone in our field or any epidemiologist would argue the link between HPV and throat cancer at this point,” he says. “It’s a strong link.” Share email Email.
Here’s what I’ve found. I suspect I contracted oral hpv from oral sex (male on female).
But the infection can persist and cause long-term problems. These include cervical cancer in women, penis cancer in men, and in both sexes some cancers of the anus and oropharyngeal cancer (cancer in the back of throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils). In the past, oropharyngeal cancers were mostly linked to smoking or alcohol abuse.
If that wart in your throat was caused by HPV (which is uncertain), it should not cause cancer. I suppose it’s not impossible to get 2 types of HPV at once (I don’t know that for sure), and the other, asymptomatic type could pose a risk. But just based on what I’ve seen online, very, very few people—even those with high-risk types of HPV—develop cancer. How did you know you had a papilloma in your throat?
Research suggests that HPV infection is transmitted through oral sex and open mouth kissing (“French kissing”). The greater your number of sexual partners, the more likely you are to contract an HPV infection. In addition, having sex with a partner who's had multiple sex partners increases your risk of infection. Chronic HPV Infection Is Linked to Throat Cancer While HPV infection is common, in 90 percent of cases, it clears up on its own. But in the other 10 percent of cases, the infection becomes chronic — and it's chronic infection that raises the risk of developing throat cancer. (from any cause) include a swelling or lump in the mouth, a painless lump on the outside of the neck, an enlarged tonsil, and a sensation of having a foreign object in the throat when swallowing.
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Hpv Oral Symptoms
Here are those links for you, with my best wishes for your health and happiness: • • • • • •.
Oral Hpv Pictures
Fomite is any nonliving object or substance capable of carrying infectious organisms (examples include skin cells, hair, clothing, door knobs). There have been studies showing that people who have genital HPV infection, if you check their hands you can find virus that is infectious if you can imagine that this virus on their hands – they touch a doorknob, then you touch the doorknob, you rub your mouth or whatever and there’s a potential possibility that you can get HPV oral infections without having risky or excessive sexual behaviors. As reviewed earlier, clinical studies detected HPV virus on the fingers of infected people, while HPV virus can be found survive on dry surfaces and inanimate objects – with lifespan of 24 hours to 7 days. So it is possible that you can get HPV from fingers – as our hands are exposed to HPV contraction risk in activities like touching doorknobs or escalator handrail in public places, contacting fitness equipment in public gym, and so on. Similarly, the American College of Foot & Ankle Orthopedics & Medicine of catching low-risk HPV plantar wart virus if you walk barefoot around public areas with warm and moist walking surfaces (as “fomites”) – such as swimming pool areas or public shower places.
Oral Hpv Transmission
Sexual health presents a range of risks, but worrying about potential health concerns can decrease intimacy between partners and, ultimately, quality of life. While caution is always advised when it comes to protection against sexual health problems, it is important to know the facts. This MNT Knowledge Center article will discuss the links between oral sex, HPV, and throat cancer. It will also explain the major risk factors for throat cancer. Fast facts on oral sex and throat cancer • Oral sex does not directly cause throat cancer, but it can spread HPV.