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I found that I got a perverse thrill out of undressing in my daughters' bedroom, a thought that added to my escalating state of arousal. I sniffed each of their panties then held them up in front of my face so I could kiss their sweet crotches, their sweet wet crotches. I pressed my lips to the sexy-looking lipstick marks, tasting their wetness, while imagining that each of my daughters was still in her panties. Then I slipped one of the pairs of panties on, pulling them up to my knees, took up one of the vibrators turned it on, teased my pulsing, puffy cunt lips with it while thinking of my daughters using it. Then I inserted it deep into my own cunt.

I fantasized them masturbating over having looked up their mommy's skirts. I fantasized them doing it with each other, going all the way, and I fantasized being right in the middle of them, their beautiful, naked young bodies making a sandwich out of their horny mom. Often, they'd grope each each other right in front of me.

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She then got a wash cloth, razor, and the shaving cream. She pumped some of the cream into her hand and applied it to my bushy pussy. My sister then started to shave me very carefully. She removed all the hair. Once she was done we switched positions and I put the shaving cream on her pussy and carefully shaved all her hair off. I was so careful not to cut her. When we were done, we looked at each other's work in the mirrors. Girl sex with donkey video.