Then we have the V-string, which is the same as the G but with the upper part not covering anything, it’s just two small strings in V shape connecting the vertical part of the thong to the horizontal in a triangle way. The T-back is the same as the V but without the triangle, forming just a T, and usually it is tied on the sides instead of being a strap.

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Daily ajit news paper india. The newspaper is owned by the Hamdard family and Dr. Barjinder Singh Hamdard, is Editor in Chief of the newspaper. The newspaper is largely distributed and published in the Northern region of India mainly in Punjab.

The T-back is the same as the V but without the triangle, forming just a T, and usually it is tied on the sides instead of being a strap. The C-string is like a G but without the horizontal string, getting in place thanks to a flexible internal frame, making things extra-sexy without leaving tan lines. The cheeky thong is a bit more conservative as it is a bit thicker and covers slightly more area especially in the horizontal zone. The last one is the maebari, which are strapless Japanese loincloth garments in form of adhesive strip covering the genitalia and that generally leaves the anus exposed.

Because fuck you that’s why). Generally, from the front it seems like a bikini bottom, but at the back the thing is reduced to a minimum as possible so you can’t see the pussy but you can see the ass. There are different types of thongs. Perhaps the most famous one is the G-string, which is the typical thong and apart from covering the front it has a small part that also covers the upper part of the butt. Then we have the V-string, which is the same as the G but with the upper part not covering anything, it’s just two small strings in V shape connecting the vertical part of the thong to the horizontal in a triangle way.


Because fuck you that’s why). Generally, from the front it seems like a bikini bottom, but at the back the thing is reduced to a minimum as possible so you can’t see the pussy but you can see the ass. There are different types of thongs. Perhaps the most famous one is the G-string, which is the typical thong and apart from covering the front it has a small part that also covers the upper part of the butt.