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Did you know that many tall women love? Just look at Hollywood, and you'll find tons of examples of tall female celebrities dating men who are shorter than them. But many shorter gents feel like women only like taller men, so they don't stand a chance (especially with a taller woman). There's some truth to this.

Or maybe it's his $20+ million net worth. Heck, maybe he just has an amazing personality. Whatever the reason, it's not his six foot frame. Height isn't everything, fellas!

Six pack movie cast She and long-time love Josh McKee have not always had the best relationship - as chronicled by the MTV show - but have managed to remain together, culminating in them getting married last year. The pair held a large country-themed Kansas wedding on August 17 - though she revealed on August 12 that they had actually already been 'married for months'. One big happy family: A pregnant Mackenzie and Josh enjoyed their last Christmas as a trio with son Gannon The pretty blonde was advised not to have another child because of her health condition, though fortunately everything worked out in the end.

Tall Women Short Men Sex

No if only he would for his suits #5: Katie Holmes (5'9″) Katie Holmes was a movie star before she married perhaps the most notorious, Tom Cruise (5'7″). Say what you want about the man (it's probably true), but you have to admit: Tom Cruise is a phenomenal actor (have you seen Vanilla Sky??). It's easy to imagine how Katie Holmes fell for him, but it's equally easy to understand why she left him (you know, the whole lunatic Scientologist thing). #6: Liv Tyler (5'10”) Yes, that Liv Tyler, a.k.a. Having sex with my girl.

Tall Women Short Men Sexual Harassment

Speaking of Penn, is worth a watch if you haven't seen it. #13: Tina Fey (5'5″) Award winning writer and actress, Tina Fey, has been happily married to her 5'3″ husband Jeff Richmond since 2001. They always seem very comfortable together. Fey never leaves the high heels at home to avoid embarrassing her husband. You can tell that they're totally at ease with their height difference. #14: Stacy Keibler (5'11”) Actress, model and former professional wrestler () Stacy Keibler dated George Clooney (5'10”) for a couple of years before marrying advertising exec Jared Pobre (5'8″) in March 2014.

Tall Women Short Men Sexual Assault

Remember one thing girl, when you're standing he may be shorter, but you're the same height lying down. Sex is really no different, he can still bend you over on the bed (standing up doggy style is a no-no so steer clear of that). Missionary, you can put your legs around him, there's really not that many positions you can't do as legs don't play that much of a crucial role.

I have recently become involved with a beautiful woman who is 6’7” and insists upon wearing hi heels and in plain English just dwarfs me and I dread when we have to meet other couples and she refuses to wear flats and tells me about all the famous people where the women tower over their men and I should get over it and embrace the fact that she is taller and another 4” shouldn’t be that big a deal, it isn’t to her. I’m 5ft 8 and have been dating a man who said he was 5ft 7 only last week we both stood flat foot in front of a mirror and I’m at least 3 inches taller than him, we both stood there laughing. I felt like a gangly giant and he felt like a real short arse, he’s funny, fit and absolutely gorgeous, he’s not rich or famous and I’m not a leading lady, I know it’s a cliche but personality wins every time, I did have a hang up about it to begin with, because I’ve never dated someone shorter but now I really don’t care, you only live once whatever your size.